Our Customer Support Team hears from many of you each day and is always happy to answer your questions. We asked them about the most common questions they get from tenants and this is what they had to say – it might just help you with an answer you’ve been searching for!
If these don’t answer your question please use the contact form here: https://www.homeswapper.co.uk/ContactUs
“I’m not sure how to sign up”
Signing up to HomeSwapper is quick and easy and the first step is to head over to the HomeSwapper website: www.homeswapper.co.uk. When you’re there, click on Register in the top right-hand corner of the page, then fill in your details to complete your registration – make sure to let us know if you’re a serious swapper or just browsing here!
In the registration section, The home I’ve got you’ll be able to type in the name of your landlord – suggestions will come up as you type and you can then choose the correct landlord from this section. If your landlord is partnered with us, the service is completely free of charge, although please be aware they will need to approve your application before you have full access.
If you can fill in as much information as possible about your home and the home you are looking for, the system will be able to match you with your ideal properties automatically.
“I’m still awaiting landlord approval”
If you don’t have full access to your account and your landlord is registered with us, then they most likely haven’t approved your application yet. The time this approval takes can vary from landlord to landlord, depending on how many applications they’re receiving and their internal procedures, so don’t worry if it takes a little longer than expected. Please do not make payment though whilst you are awaiting approval, as it may not be possible to refund!
The approval process is all handled by your landlord, not by HomeSwapper, so we would always recommend getting in touch with your landlord directly and asking for your account to be approved if you’d like this done quickly.
It is worth noting as well that as a system rule, tenants are sent for re-authorisation every 6 months. Again, this will be handled by your landlord, so we also advise dealing with them directly. You’ll get a notification email to the email address registered on your account as soon as they have approved your application.
“I’m not sure how to form a MultiSwap”
During the registration process you can choose if you’re open to MultiSwaps and let other swappers know you’re interested by following these steps:
Go to My details > go to the About me page > tick the box that says: ‘Please tick this box if you are happy to participate in MultiSwaps‘.
There are two types of MultiSwap on HomeSwapper:
A MultiSwap chain: a pre-made chain for you to view, created by the HomeSwapper system. You can view up to 9 MultiSwaps in this with a maximum of 5 properties in each chain. All properties are randomly selected based on ‘best matches’ for each tenants’ saved search criteria.
Build your own MultiSwap chain: This has a maximum of 3 properties. The chain is constructed as a triangle, so that the tenants in link 1 move to link 2, then the tenants in link 2 move to link 3, and the tenants in link 3 move to link 1. Each tenant in the chain follows the details in a step-by-step guide at the top of the screen, which will tell the tenant that started the MultiSwap what to do next. If there are any broken links within the chain, i.e. if link 3 doesn’t want to move to link 2, the option to find home will appear as well as the option to drag properties from suggested matches for this swap.
If you decide to try a MultiSwap later on, that’s no problem, just follow the same steps.
Another way of viewing homes where the current tenants might be interested in a MultiSwap is by manually searching.
On the Find a match page, there are 4 different ways that you can search for homes – you can choose these options at the top of the page. If you’re looking to build your MultiSwap chain, then click on the MultiSwaps tab.
If you see a home you like in this search, the system can help you build a chain of swaps to make this work. Just remember that whenever you change your search option to a different tab, you’ll need to re click the purple Search button to refresh the results.
If you need any more details, you can take a look at our series of videos, which walk you through how the new MultiSwap works for desktop and mobile devices. Click here to view the videos now: https://homeswapper.co.uk/help/videos
The HomeSwapper Customer Support team are always on hand to give advice and tips on how to get the most from HomeSwapper. They deal with Swappers every day and have a unique insight and view on the thousands of successful swaps that take place on HomeSwapper.